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1/10/2025 Letter from the General Manager 

Dear Cambrians,

We are thrilled to share an exciting update on several of our highly anticipated capital improvement projects moving closer to becoming a reality. We proudly announce significant progress on initiatives to enhance our community’s infrastructure and quality of life. In February, we anticipate installing the East Ranch premanufactured restroom. Additionally, we anticipate an approved Coastal Development Permit for the Stuart Street tanks replacement project in the next 60 days. Lastly, we will begin upgrading and installing our Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) water meter endpoints. These efforts reflect our ongoing commitment to sustainability, efficiency, and meeting the needs of our community. Stay tuned for more updates as we work together to bring these projects to life. 

Administrative & Finance Departments

CCSD Office Closure for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Please be advised that the Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) administrative office will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. For any Water and Wastewater emergency services during this time, please get in touch with our 24-hour main line at (805) 927-6223. The office will reopen on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 9:00 a.m.

Facilities & Resources Department

Cambria Skatepark Design and construction of a new skatepark facility at the old skatepark location on Main St across from the Vets Hall.The minor use permit portion of the permitting process is complete. The National Park Service requested additional project information, which was supplied via an updated Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) A&R Form 10-904 and an updated LWCF Site Boundary map. Staff anticipates receiving funding in January 2025. On 10/30, staff received confirmation that all information required for the application completion was confirmed and that no additional information was needed.
East Ranch RestroomDesign and construct a restroom facility near the Dog Park on the East Ranch.The technical drawings for this project have been updated to show the agreed-upon placement of the restroom structure, and the San Luis Obispo County of Planning & Building has approved and stamped the revised plans. The CCSD has approved the contracts for construction and environmental monitoring during construction. Site preparation for the restroom structure has been completed. The site utilities (domestic water service line, sewer lateral, and electrical conduit) have been installed, the building pad has been excavated and compacted under the supervision of the soil inspector to 95% compaction, and the sidewalk subgrade has been prepared. The environmental and Native American monitors were on-site during the excavation, with the biologist providing spot checks. County Building inspectors provided the requisite site utilities inspection. Installation of the restroom building is anticipated in the first weeks of February.

Fuel Tanks

We are pleased to announce the acquisition of two new fuel tanks, which will replace the aging tanks at the Fire Department and the Facilities & Resources Department next week. This upgrade underscores CCSD's commitment to maintaining reliable and efficient operations while ensuring the safety and sustainability of our equipment and infrastructure.


We are compiling comprehensive information about District streetlights. This effort aims to ensure transparency and provide residents with accurate and accessible details about the streetlights within the district. We appreciate your patience as we work diligently on this project and will share the compiled information with the public once it is complete. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Cambria Fire Department

Meet the Fire Chief

On Wednesday, January 15, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Fire Chief Michael Burkey will be working out of the Cambria Veterans' Memorial Hall and would love to meet you and hear your thoughts on anything related to the Cambria Fire Department. 

National Firewise USA Program Certificate of Recognition

The National Fire Protection Association acknowledges that Cambria has completed the Firewise USA program's annual requirements for 2024 and is a participating site in good standing throughout the 2025 calendar year. The National Firewise USA Program Certificate of Recognition can be downloaded below. 

2025 National Firewise USA Program Certificate of Recognition

Cambria is a Firewise USA Community. This rating effectively means that the Cambria Community and organizations are working together to improve the education of community members while also addressing and reducing the wildfire fuel available during a wildfire. The Firewise USA Community designation is accepted by several insurance companies, either as a fire insurance rate reduction or as a consideration for providing fire insurance rather than a flat denial to offer coverage. 

This is a partial list of the insurance companies that recognize and or offer premium discounts for properties located in a Firewise USA Community:

Insurers Currently Offering Discounts

This is a Firewise USA Community information page regarding California legislation that benefits property owners located in a Firewise USA Community:

Firewise Insurance Discounts

Water & Wastewater Departments

Water Treatment Plant Operator OIT Recruitment 

The Cambria Community Services District is currently accepting applications for the Water Treatment Plant Operator OIT position. This recruitment will remain open until January 16, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. For more information, please visit our website.

Project DescriptionStatus
Adaptive Management Plan (AMP)The AMP is a surface water, groundwater, and biological monitoring program designed to detect potential impacts to sensitive biological resources, requiring groundwater modeling and monitoring while the WRF is in operation.AMP monitoring is ongoing. Per methods described in the AMP, quarterly surveys are conducted at eight (8) survey sites to collect data and to describe survey conditions, habitats, stream flows, surface water quality, 9P7 soil moisture, and observed species. The CCSD’s biologist has submitted the second and third-quarter AMP environmental monitoring reports. The twenty-four-page document encompasses background information for the project location, a methodology for surveying, and recommendations for future operations. The report can be located on the CCSD website at The General Manager, utility staff, and the biologist met late in December and discussed the goals and objectives of the AMP for 2025.
San Simeon Water Line & Effluent Line Well Field Transmission Lines Developing a permanent repair of the San Simeon Water Main. This project will also include resolutions for the Sewer Effluent Main.The permitting lead time for this project scale ranges from 4 months to 1 year. The target is installation by late summer to early fall of 2025. The CCSD’s consultant is obtaining encroachment permits from Caltrans, and an application for an encroachment permit has been successfully submitted. An encroachment permit is needed before any work potholing for utilities and gathering geotechnical data in the Caltrans right-of-way can proceed. This geotechnical data and other utilities' locations are required to proceed with the planning and design for the water main and effluent main alignment.
Water Meter Replacement Project – AMIUpgrades system to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) with new meters and real-time water analytics.On January 9, 2025, the CCSD Board of Directors approved a Public Works Contract with Grace Environmental Services, Inc. for the Water Meter Register Replacement and Advanced Metering Infrastructure Upgrade Project and authorized the General Manager to execute the contract.
Zero Liquid Discharge Program ProjectPilot study project to test innovative technology for brine reduction with the goal of zero liquid discharge.The new and updated Wastewater Permit has included the potential for operation of the ZLD pilot and full-time operation. ZLD pilot operations have been postponed until the Fall of 2025.
Stuart Street Tank ProjectCritical water infrastructure project to rebuild the Stuart Street tanks, which have reached their useful operational life.District staff and engineering consultants met with San Luis Obispo County Communications Staff & the North Coast Advisory Committee to discuss the build timeline for the Stuart Street Tanks and community impacts.

The status of District Project Updates can also be found on the CCSD website.

Upcoming February Board Meeting Items (subject to change):

  • Swearing in of New Fire Captain and Reserve Firefighter
  • Discussion and Consideration of Standing Committee Chair and Liaison Appointments
  • Discussion and Consideration to Fill Vacant Seats on the Standing Committees 
  • Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Approving Updated District Personnel Policies, Procedures & Rules
  • Receive and File the Second Quarter Budget Report for FY 2024/25
  • Discussion and Consideration to Adopt a Resolution Establishing a Fire Protection Committee and Amending the Standing Committee Bylaws, Adopt a Resolution Amending the List of Designated Positions Subject to the District's Conflict of Interest Code
  • Discussion and Consideration to Direct Staff and District Counsel to Review the Board and Standing Committee Bylaws
  • Discussion and Consideration of Introduction of Ordinance 01-2025 Adding Chapter 6.05 to the Cambria Community Services District Municipal Code Relating to Weed Abatement Standards
  • Receive Public Input Related to the Strategic Plan
  • Discuss and Consider the Agenda and Preparations for the March 3, 2025, Strategic Planning Workshop
  • On Monday, March 3, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., the Board of Directors Will Hold an Adjourned Special Meeting to Facilitate a Major Update Workshop to Update the Cambria Community Services District's (CCSD) Strategic Plan and Set a Date for the Next Strategic Planning Workshop
  • Discussion and Consideration of Standing Committee Chair and Liaison Appointments

On Wednesday, January 15, 2025, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., I will be working out of the Cambria Veterans' Memorial Hall and would love to meet you and hear your thoughts on everything, Cambria. We will provide coffee and snacks; as always, we welcome your feedback and ideas. 

If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me or any of our management team.

Thank you again for your support; I am at your service. 

Matthew McElhenie

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