12/8/2023 Letter from the General Manager
Dear Cambrians,
Hold onto your hats; it's another long one…..
What a huge week! We have more work to do, but we are very close to fully funding a project our community has worked hard to resurrect. Staff has been working with Skate Cambria for the better part of two years on searching for grant funding for the Cambria Skate Park. Four days ago, we got the call, “Congrats, you are 1 of 16 projects moving forward in the federal review process.” This grant is a testament to our collective efforts and dedication.
What This Means for Us:
Enhanced Community Projects: The grant (if awarded) will fund our skate park, benefiting all community members. Receiving this grant acknowledges every community member's hard work and commitment. Regular updates will be provided through our community channels. Stay tuned! We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Skate Cambria and each of you for making this achievement possible. Together, we are building a brighter future for our community.
Administration & Finance Departments
District staff created a page on the website for current contracts, agreements, and grants. The link is https://www.cambriacsd.org/district-project-updates.
San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority
Starting this month, the IWMA will be performing education and outreach visits in some neighborhoods.
California State Law SB 1383 requires that residents:
- Participate in garbage, recycling, and organic (green) curbside collection services.
- Properly sort between the three waste streams.
What is an education and outreach visit? What can I expect?
Our team, with assistance and guidance from your hauler and jurisdiction, Mission Country Disposal and Cambria CSD, will go door-to-door on normal days of trash collection to:
- Re-sticker bins on lids that are missing stickers or are otherwise worn out (if set out).
- Provide educational material regarding recycling guidelines in San Luis Obispo County upon request.
For more information, please review the letter here: https://www.cambriacsd.org/san-luis-obispo-county-integrated-waste-management-authority.
Grant Writing Services
The District selected Mr. Mermin to provide grant writing services, and staff is working with District Counsel to prepare an agreement for consultant services with Elijah Mermin. As a senior grant professional with 19 years of experience for nonprofit organizations and government agencies, he is well-equipped to help CCSD identify and qualify appropriate funding opportunities and work closely with our staff to develop competitive grant applications.
District Policy & Fee Schedule Updates
Municipal Resource Group, LLC has finalized the Payment & Compensation Plan for the Management & Confidential Employees Group. This will be brought to the Board of Directors for review and consideration in early 2024.
The General Manager, Administrative Department Manager, and Confidential Administrative Assistant are continuing to work with Liebert, Cassidy, and Whitmore (LCW) on updating the District's Personnel Policies, Procedures, and Rules, which haven't been updated since 1987.
The General Manager, Administrative Department Manager, and Confidential Administrative Assistant are continuing to work with Bartle Wells & Associates to update the District's fee schedule, which has not been updated since 2013. We met with Mr. Handlers again this week to discuss the District's progress on reviewing the fee schedule updates.
Information Technology
The General Manager and Confidential Administrative Assistant worked with CIO Solutions to design a SharePoint site, and the migration from the CCSD server to SharePoint is almost complete. CIO Solutions is continuing to migrate files to SharePoint.
Electronic Payment Service & Utility Access Portal
On November 16, 2023, the Board of Directors approved providing an electronic payment service and utility access portal through Tyler Technologies. The Administrative Services Manager and Confidential Administrative Assistant are working with Tyler Technologies to implement the electronic payment service function and utility access portal. Staff expects the project to be completed by Spring 2024.
Peak Agenda Management
The General Manager and Confidential Administrative Assistant have finalized the Peak Agenda management portal with Granicus. Management staff met this week and received additional training, and the cutover will begin in January 2024. The Board of Directors and Standing Committee meeting agendas and minutes will always be available on the District's website, but the public is welcome to use our new Peak Agenda Management portal below starting in January 2024.
2024 Peak Agenda Management Portal
Records Retention Schedule Update
Gladwell Governmental Services met with each department to review the proposed changes and obtain additional changes for the records retention update. Gladwell Governmental Services has updated the records retention schedules for all District departments and is preparing a detailed index of the schedules for Board approval.
Administration Office Closure
The CCSD administration office will be closed on Monday, December 25, 2023, in observance of Christmas Day. For all Water and Wastewater emergency services, please contact the CCSD's 24-hour main line at (805) 927-6223. The office will reopen on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
Administration Office Hours
The Cambria Community Services District Administration Office is open Monday - Thursday and every other Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or by appointment. The Administration Office is closed for lunch daily from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. If you have questions or need to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact the Administration Office at 805-927-6223.
Facilities & Resources Department
To submit general inquiries, or to report any issues on the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve, public restrooms, Cambria Dog Park, or to schedule a meeting with Facilities and Resources Manager Aguirre, please submit your inquiries or concerns here: https://www.cambriacsd.org/contact-facilities-resources-c617054.
EV Charging Station Relocation
On September 14, 2023, the Board of Directors approved a Public Works Agreement with Thoma Electric to relocate the electric vehicle charging station at the Veterans' Hall and adopted Resolution 51-2023 for a budget adjustment. On October 16, 2023, CCSD staff held a kickoff meeting with Thoma Electric, and Thoma Electric informed the District of the necessary explicit specifications and requirements for an ADA-compliant parking space. An accessible parking space is required for this project as per grant compliance conditions. Two critical conditions of the specifications for ADA-compliant parking space are that the slope of the accessible parking space cannot have a slope greater than 2.08%, and the ADA space should be on the right-hand side. With these critical constraints accounted for, only one area of the Veterans Hall parking lot satisfied all specifications. On November 9, 2023, the Board of Directors approved the location of the new electric vehicle charging station. Thoma Electric is reviewing the building plans and submitting the final permit for construction to the County of San Luis Obispo. Work will commence as soon as the permitting is completed with the County.
Maintenance Technician Recruitment
The District is conducting interviews for the Maintenance Technician position. This recruitment continues to be open until the needs of the District are met. To apply, please visit https://www.cambriacsd.org/maintenance-technician-recruitment.
Cambria Fire Department
Meet Interim Fire Chief
On Tuesday, December 19, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Interim Fire Chief Burkey will work out of the Cambria Veterans' Memorial Hall again and would love to meet you and hear your thoughts on anything related to the Cambria Fire Department.
Contact Interim Fire Chief
To submit general inquiries or to schedule a meeting with Interim Chief Burkey, please submit your inquiries or concerns here: https://www.cambriacsd.org/contact-fire-chief.
Fire Captain EMT Recruitment Update
The District is in the process of finalizing the conditional offer of employment for a new Fire Captain. The candidate will be sworn in at an upcoming board meeting.
Firefighter Paramedic Recruitment
The District is accepting applications for the Firefighter Paramedic position. This recruitment is open until the needs of the District are met. To apply, please visit https://www.cambriacsd.org/firefighter-paramedic-recruitment.
Cambria Fire Department Fire Policy Manual & Daily Training Bulletins with Supplemental Publication Service and Fire Operations Procedures
The General Manager, Interim Fire Chief, and Confidential Administrative Assistant met with Lexipol to discuss creating a policy manual for the Cambria Fire Department. On December 7, 2023, the District executed a Master Service Agreement with Lexipol. Lexipol was founded by public safety experts who saw a need for a better, safer way to run a public safety agency. Since the company's launch in 2003, Lexipol has grown to form an entire risk management solution for public safety and local government. Today, they serve more than 10,000 agencies and municipalities and two million public safety and government professionals with a range of informational and technological solutions to meet the challenges facing these dynamic industries. The Lexipol team consists of professionals with expertise in public safety law, policy, state and federal accreditation, training, mental and physical wellness, and grants. Lexipol's legal and content development teams continuously review state and federal laws and regulations, court decisions, and evolving best practices. When needed, they create new and updated policies and provide them to the Cambria Fire Department, making it simple and efficient to keep your policy content up to date.
The scope of services includes:
- Creating a comprehensive policy manual that will include more than 155 policies based on State and federal laws and regulations, as well as nationwide best practices and content customized to reflect Cambria Fire Department's terminology and structure.
- Creating Daily Training Bulletins (DTBs), which are designed to help our emergency personnel learn and apply the Cambria Fire Department's policy content through training exercises.
- Web-Based Delivery Platform and Mobile App (Knowledge Management System)
- Provide reporting capabilities: Lexipol's Knowledge Management System provides intuitive reporting capabilities and easy-to-read reports that enhance command staff meetings and strategic planning.
- Provide Supplemental Publication Service: Lexipol's Supplemental Publication Service (SPS) streamlines the storage of content, giving the department one place to access procedures, guidelines, general orders, training guides, or secondary policy manuals.
- Provide Fire Procedures: Lexipol’s fire procedures provide critical operational and administrative procedures as well as a template to build on.
The District's insurance company, Special District Risk Management Authority (SDRMA), provides a Loss Prevention Subsidy Fund, which is available to SDRMA members in either the Property/Liability and/or Workers’ Compensation Programs to help offset loss prevention costs. The program will reimburse members up to $1,000 per program year on a first-come, first-served basis for loss prevention efforts such as:
- Safety equipment
- Cybersecurity Tools/Training
- Ergonomic equipment
- Training courses and/or materials related to loss prevention
- SDRMA or CSDA seminars, conferences, regional trainings, or workshops (including travel expenses)
Interim Chief Burkey contacted SDRMA regarding Lexipol's proposal, and the District would be eligible for reimbursement of up to $1,000 per program year towards Lexipol since this is considered a loss prevention effort. The Interim Fire Chief and Confidential Administrative Assistant are working on submitting a loss prevention subsidy request to SDRMA. Interim Chief Burkey will start working on this project with Lexipol in January 2024.
Genasys Protect
The Cambria Fire Department announced the implementation of Genasys Protect last month, which aims to prepare residents and businesses for emergencies or evacuations before an event occurs. Interim Chief Burkey and Mrs. Dodson ordered "Know Your Zone" magnets this week.
Genasys Protect works by breaking the entire community into Zones, and each zone has a corresponding number on the map. A resident only needs to know their Zone identification number for evacuation and repopulation purposes. During an emergency, the Zone number will be provided along with clear evacuation instructions and emergency information. Genasys Protect will provide traffic in real-time, identify where possible evacuation centers will be located, and use the latest emergency information provided by incident commanders on the scene as the emergency event unfolds. Be prepared for the next natural disaster by KNOWING YOUR ZONE.
Know Your Zone in 5 Easy Steps:
- Visit protect.genasys.com – type your address in the search bar or use your current address.
- Click on the highlighted zone and locate the number of listed in the zone description panel.
- Write your zone down and place it somewhere easily accessible by everyone in your house.
- Click on Subscribe to Alerts to stay updated in case of an emergency.
- Explore the information provided in your zone's description panel and bookmark any useful links provided.
More information will be provided as we continue to roll out this exciting new program for Cambria. Cambrians are encouraged to download the Genasys Protect application on your smartphone, enter your address, and save your zone. If you need more information, or if you are having trouble downloading the application or need assistance locating your Zone, please contact Interim Fire Chief Burkey or come to the "Meet the Interim Fire Chief" on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and we would be happy to assist you.
Winter Storm Preparation
Cambria residents can fill up sandbags at the Cambria Dog Park parking lot located at 2021 Rodeo Grounds Road and Lampton Park located at the corner of Lampton and Windsor.
Bring your sandbags and a shovel. Sandbags are available at most local hardware stores but not at the Cambria Fire Department. For additional information about emergency preparedness in Cambria, click here.
Water & Wastewater Departments
SR4 Well at Coast Union High School
The District has continued its efforts to negotiate with the Coast Unified School District (CUSD) for long-term access/rights to the SR4 well and easements. We have held two closed sessions and responded to the CUSD with a counteroffer. The Board has discussed the potential new access easement and the two proposals for either 10-year or 99-year lease terms. While the CUSD’s continued efforts in lowering the proposed annual lease payment amount have been greatly appreciated, the need and duty to appraise the property’s value before deciding on any future fiscal decisions was recognized by our CCSD Board. That appraisal has now been completed, and the property and related easements are valued at $151,507.
The need for the SR4 Well was rooted in the MTBE plume emergency in 2000. It was and continues to be essential to providing water to the Cambria community, and the CCSD owes the CUSD a debt of gratitude. Unfortunately, although the MTBE plume emergency is no longer an issue, the water emergencies in Cambria have not ended. In fact, they continue to rise year after year. The SR4 Well has become a critical part of CCSD’s water supply portfolio, so much so that it would be irresponsible not to secure access to and use of the well in perpetuity.
Accordingly, the CCSD must refrain from continuing to enter into lease agreements that must be periodically renegotiated and will cost the ratepayers far more than the fair market value of the property and easements in question. In the last 20 years, the District has paid more than $750,000 in lease payments, and the Board is now being asked to consider an estimated commitment of $260,000 over ten years or just over $2.5 million for a 99-year term. The District cannot legally or morally continue to overpay for access to and use of the SR4 Well, which is a critical part of the CCSD water portfolio that cannot be abandoned. We aim to negotiate a permanent solution to protect the CUSD students' safety and serve our community's water needs. We believe that our two agencies can come to a fair and equitable purchase agreement after some of the CUSD’s concerns as it applies to the land acquisition details.
Cambria Skatepark
The staff has a tentative meeting with our consultant to follow up on any updates or new requests from County Planning. Our CCSD consultant reviewed current permitting conditions with SLO County Public Works, who agrees that no additional sidewalks should extend beyond the utility vault. No amendment to plans or other engineering will be necessary. The staff has scheduled a follow-up in January 2024 on our waiver request.
California State Parks Recommends $35.6M for Land and Water Conservation Funds, in which, Cambria Community Services District, Has Been Selected as One of Sixteen Projects to Proceed with Post-Selection Federal Requirements to Create a New Skatepark Facility
12/4/2023 Press ReleaseOn June 1, 2023, General Manager McElhenie submitted the Land and Water Conservation Fund grant application for the Cambria Skatepark Project. Today, California State Parks announced recommendations to the National Park Service (NPS) for $35.6 million in Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grants for 16 local park projects.
We are happy to announce that the Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) has been selected as one of the sixteen projects to proceed with post-selection federal requirements to create a new skatepark facility. State Parks evaluated more than 79 LWCF applications totaling $154 million, for the available $35.6 million in the application cycle. Today’s recommended applicants will proceed with post-selection federal requirements prior to the projects being forwarded to NPS for review and federal funding approval.
This project will develop the vacant asphalt lot and adjacent dirt parking area in Cambria, California, into a skatepark facility. The site for this project has historical significance to the community as it was the location of the original unpermitted skatepark that served many generations of Cambrians. Unfortunately, in the Spring of 2020, the unpermitted skatepark was removed due to safety concerns related to the deteriorated condition of the park. Since then, the community and Skate Cambria have been fundraising to build a new skatepark. On December 9, 2021, the Cambria Board of Directors committed a total funding amount of 178,000 to the Cambria Skatepark project. Additionally, the CCSD applied for and was awarded a grant for $47,500 towards the skate park project from the San Luis Obispo County Tourism Business Improvement District. On September 14, 2023, the Cambria Board of Directors approved the Local Area Grant Funding Agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo on behalf of the SLO County Tourism Business Improvement. Resolution 31-2023 was approved by the Board of Directors on May 18, 2023, which required the CCSD to restrict approximately $843,784 of General Fund Reserves with the grant application. With the acceptance of this grant, the CCSD was able to release $47,500 of the previously restricted General Fund Reserves for the Cambria Skatepark project, which will help fund the bathroom construction at the Cambria Skatepark.
The project will construct approximately 6,000 square feet of undulating concrete deck designed for skateboarding. This area will feature a mix of street and transition features that will support skaters with various interests, abilities, and characteristics that welcome other skatepark-friendly activities like riding scooters, bicycles, roller skates/blades, or even specialty wheelchairs. The development will also include constructing a seating section with a shade structure, landscaping, a parking lot, and a restroom stall.
Building a new skatepark at this location will restore a critical public asset and recreational opportunity lost when the old park was removed and is a high priority for the community of Cambria. Beyond building a skatepark, this project will create a youth-friendly space in Cambria where people of all backgrounds and skill levels can gather and connect.
San Luis Obispo County
- Cambria: Cambria Community Services District, Cambria Skatepark: $600,000 to create a new skatepark facility with a seating section with shade structure, landscaping, parking lot, and restroom stall.
Following NPS approval, grantees will participate in a mandatory grant administration workshop, receive grant contracts from State Parks, and begin work to complete their projects.
Since 1965, this grant program has provided funding to cities, counties, eligible districts, and state agencies to create outdoor recreational resources. State Parks develop grant programs to provide funding for local, state, and nonprofit organization projects. Since 1964, more than 8,000 local parks throughout California have been created or improved from grant funding. Since 2000, the department has administered approximately $3 billion in grant funding throughout California.
San Luis Obispo County Tourism Business Improvement District Cambria Skatepark Grant
The General Manager and Confidential Administrative Assistant applied for a grant for $4,750 in LFA infrastructure and beautification funding, which would be used to help fund the construction of the bathroom at the Cambria Skatepark.
East Ranch Restroom
This project is currently in the planning stage of the construction permit process. Utilities staff are addressing submittal comments from the County of San Luis Obispo Planners and are in preparation for resubmittal.
Proposals are currently being received for the Cultural Resources Assessment. Cultural resources relate only to remains and sites associated with human activities and include the following:
- Prehistoric and ethnohistoric Native American archaeological sites.
- Historic archaeological sites.
- Historic buildings.
- Elements or areas of the natural landscape that have traditional cultural significance.
It has been determined that a Biological Monitoring Plan is already in place for this project.
Staff anticipates resolving all planning issues and SLO County Planning response by January 2024 and anticipates ground-breaking by July 1, 2024. The vendor has a 240-day lead time (this is a prefabricated restroom that is yet to be constructed) to deliver the restroom facility.
On December 7, 2023, the Board of Directors approved the Intent to Serve Letter for the public bathroom facility at the East Fiscalini Ranch Park and approved a change to the Community Park Master Plan to allow the Board-approved water-serving restroom design.
Coastal Development Permit
The staff has awarded WRF CDP consulting to SWCA Environmental Consultants. SWCA is a consulting firm that, since 1981, has performed comprehensive environmental planning, regulatory compliance, and natural and cultural management services both locally and globally. SWCA will help the District update our WRF project description and work with our regulators to ensure its completeness. On October 17th, utility staff hosted our consultant for a site visit of the WRF and to discuss the history and status of the project. The visit included CCSD service wells 9P2 & 9P7, the future Zero Liquid Discharge site, and the evaporation pond. Our consultant will review the CCSD's CEQA and EIR documents and develop the new project description. The staff has scheduled a meeting with County Planning to discuss the intended approach and confirm their support. A key focus being developed by our consultant for the CDP is the restoration of the Title 27 pond to mitigate temporal losses since its implementation.
As of December 6th, SWCA has completed 90% of a draft project description. Once completed, staff will review the project description to address any additional information that may need to be included. Utilities Staff is also reviewing info hold questions and preparing a completion matrix for County staff. They are also working with the Instream Flow Study consultant to respond to questions from the Technical Advisory Committee (T.A.C.) and other shareholders. Utilities staff and consultants have a follow-up meeting scheduled with SLO County Planning in December, where they intend to deliver project components, the completion matrix, and the CDP project description.
Stuart Street Tank Construction
Utility staff has prepared and submitted a draft contract to legal counsel for our consultant's design/ build engineering. The staff has completed and submitted the CEQA/ NEPA application documentation as per EPA Federal grant requirements. Other permitting requirements such as Geotechnical, Cultural Resources, land survey, biological, and grading and drainage plan review are being completed concurrently. In January 2024, the Board of Directors will discuss and consider approving a contract with MKN & Associates, Inc., for engineering design and bid/construction phase services for the replacement of the Stuart Street Tanks.
San Simeon Well 3
On November 6, 2023, the Resources & Infrastructure Committee recommended the replacement of the San Simeon Well 3 pump. The selected contractor has been approved to replace the failing 50 HP Vertical Turbine motor, which has been in service since 1985. This item will be presented to the Board of Directors on December 14, 2023.
San Simeon Water Line & Effluent Line Well Field Transmission Lines
Staff reported that the preliminary research is going well. Most data have been gathered, and our consultants are in the process of reviewing it. The aerial survey is complete, and preliminary topo has been received. A final survey will occur once the final alignment(s) have been chosen. Preliminary Geotech constraints are being discussed with Utilities Department staff and consultants. The district would like to remove the pipelines in the Van Gordon Creek Bridge. Staff and consultants are analyzing the feasibility of this.
The environmental consultants will assist in reviewing the horizontal directional drilling HDD feasibility as we narrow down alignments, refine the alignments exhibit, and continue to work on the Preliminary Design Report.
Instream Flow Study (IFS) & Adaptive Management Plan (AMP)
CCSD utility staff and Biologist Kevin Merk assembled for an informal meeting to discuss upcoming AMP and IFS work. Biologist Merk will be assuming the environmental and biological reporting for the District, replacing long-time District biologist Cindy Cleveland. Merk led the environmental and biological reporting for Morro Bay's Wastewater Treatment Plant project and developed beneficial contacts with the EPA while obtaining their permits for its operation. We hope to use his experience with the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA). WIFIA Grant communication for the EPA to acquire funding for the District's environmental endeavors.
The Instream Flow Study (IFS) aims to do more analysis on Van Gordon Creek, incorporate comments and groundwater modeling, and develop resource protections. IFS consultant biologists visited the creek while it was flowing in June, went through the watershed, looked at the habitat, and collected photos. The consultant is reviewing groundwater reports to see how they concern Warren Wells and Van Gordon Creek and will put together a comment matrix for all comments addressing all concerns. The consultant is in the process of making IFS revisions promptly for the District's review.
We look forward to creative discussions concerning topics such as habitat restoration of the Title 27 pond and WRF mitigation.
Zero Liquid Discharge Program
The Department of Energy has approved Global Water Innovations (GWI) tasks and timelines, the final step needed for grant clearance. A working pilot is being constructed while the awarding of funding is being anticipated.
Water Meter Replacement Program
The initial pilot program has been slowed due to supply chain issues. Staff was fortunate enough to receive ten of the Nicor Antennae with Orion cellular programming to commence the long-awaited pilot program. The Orion Cellular endpoint is an innovative, two-way water endpoint that utilizes existing cellular infrastructure to deliver meter reading data efficiently and securely to the utility via the cellular network. All devices have been installed and are communicating data effectively. The contract processing is nearly complete. The scope of work has been completed and finalized by the district counsel.
Water Distribution
Water staff has recently fixed four residential water service line leaks in the distribution system and assisted over ten residential properties in locating leaks on the customer side of the meter. Water staff continues to replace the entirety of the line if it has had multiple leaks.
A contractor was selected to replace a 35-foot water service line on Manor Way and perform a restoration to the road surface post-repair.
Water staff have been flushing hydrants to maintain water quality throughout the distribution system. Flushing dead ends minimizes the risk of bacteriological growth within our system. Hydrant flushing is necessary to maintain high water quality within our distribution system. While it often appears to be wasteful to those who witness it while driving or walking by, hydrant flushing is an industry standard and is required to keep our water supply safe. With the rainstorms, aquifers are at their maximum capacity right now, making this the best time of year to flush hydrants.
Status of the Wastewater SST Project
Mrs. Dodson created a Wastewater SST Project information page on the website. It is available here: https://www.cambriacsd.org/wastewater-sst-projects.
Standing Committee Updates
The Finance, Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS), and Policy Committees have met and adopted their 2024 regular meeting schedules, which are posted below. The Resources & Infrastructure Committee will meet on Monday, December 11, 2023, to discuss and consider their 2024 regular meeting schedule.
2024 Finance Committee Regular Meeting Schedule2024 Policy Committee Regular Meeting Schedule2024 PROS Committee Regular Meeting ScheduleDecember 7, 2023, Board Meeting Update
For a more detailed Board meeting transcript, go to https://slo-span.org/meeting/ccsd_20231207/.
- The CCSD Board of Directors and staff presented former President Dean with a plaque and flowers in recognition of her outstanding commitment and dedication to the Cambria Community Services District.
- The Board of Directors unanimously agreed to the nominations of President Gray and Vice President Scott for the 2024 year.
- The Board of Directors approved the Standing Committee Chair and updated one Liaison appointment.
- The Board of Directors adopted Resolution 59-2023, establishing the 2024 CCSD Regular Board Meeting Schedule.
- The Board of Directors approved an Agreement for Consultant Services with CSG Consultants for Fire Protection Plan Review Services.
- The Board of Directors approved the Memorandum of Understanding for the Central Coast Regional Biosolids Cooperative.
- The Board of Directors revised and approved the WRF Concentrate Disposal Ad Hoc Committee Report.
- The Board of Directors adopted Resolution 60-2023, approving a Joinder Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement of the Integrated Waste Management Authority.
- The Board of Directors approved the Intent to Serve Letter for the public bathroom facility at the East Fiscalini Ranch Park and approved a change to the Community Park Master Plan to allow the Board-approved water-serving restroom design.

December 7, 2023, Board Meeting Documents
2024 Board Meeting Regular Schedule2024 Committee & Liaison AssignmentsIntent to Serve Letter for the East Fiscalini Ranch Park RestroomRevised Community Park Master PlanAgreement for Consultant Services between CCSD and CSG Consultants for Fire Protection Plan & Review Services (pending signatures)Memorandum of Understanding for Central Coast Regional Biosolids Cooperative (pending signatures)2023 County Joinder Agreement to Second Amended & Restated Joint Powers Agreement of the Integrated Waste Management Authority (pending signatures)WRF Concentrate Disposal Ad Hoc Committee ReportUpcoming December 14, 2023 Board Meeting Items
12/14/2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Consideration to adopt the November 2023 Expenditure Report
- Consideration to adopt the November 9, 2023, and November 16, 2023 regular meeting minutes
- Discussion and consideration of adoption of Policy 1040.2 Regarding Response to Correspondence to the Board, Policy 3230 CCSD Operating Principles Policy, and Policy 1045 Legal Counsel and Auditor Policy, and elimination of Policy B-02-2018
- Discussion and consideration of the adoption of the Budget Policy revisions recommended by the staff and Finance Committee
- Discussion and consideration to approve a Public Works Contract with 3rd Gen Pump & Well for replacing San Simeon Well 3 Pump and adoption of Resolution 61-2023 for a budget adjustment of $48,000
- Discussion and consideration of approval of an Agreement for Consultant Services with Civil Design Studio for the preparation of an Emergency Access Feasibility Study
Upcoming January Board Meeting Items (subject to change):
- Discussion and consideration to direct staff and District Counsel to review the Board and Standing Committee Bylaws
- Discussion and consideration to update the Standing Committee membership application
- Discussion and consideration of an annual review of the Affordable Housing Unit Allocations
- Discussion and consideration of approval of the Zero Liquid Discharge Pilot Testing Program
- Discussion and consideration of update of the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) lists
- Discussion and consideration of the use of CCSD open space parcels
- Discussion and consideration to approve a contract with MKN & Associates, Inc., for engineering design and bid/construction phase services for the replacement of the Stuart Street tanks
Upcoming CCSD Strategic Planning Meetings
- On February 8, 2024, the Board of Directors will receive community input for the Strategic Plan SWOT (internal strengths, internal weaknesses, external opportunities, and external threats).
- On February 26, 2024, the Board of Directors will discuss and consider the Strategic Plan status report and update and receive community input for the Strategic Plan.
- On Monday, March 4, 2024, the Board of Directors will hold an adjourned Special meeting to facilitate a workshop to update the Cambria Community Services District's Strategic Plan update and set a date for the next Strategic Planning workshop. Mr. Dick Clark will facilitate the workshop.
On Tuesday, December 19, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., I will work out of the Cambria Veterans' Memorial Hall. I would love to meet interested community members and hear your thoughts. We will provide coffee, snacks, and the ability to engage in dialogue about everything Cambria.
As always, I welcome your feedback and ideas. If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me or any of our management team.
Thank you again for your support; I am at your service.
Matthew McElhenie