Accidents Policy
This Policy is being issued to set forth procedures relating to accidents involving District owned vehicles, including what is to take place immediately following an accident. It applies to all CCSD employees when driving a CCSD owned vehicle.
In the event of an accident involving a CCSD-owned vehicle, the driver of the District vehicle shall utilize the following procedure:
- Regardless of the extent of damage or the location of the accident, immediately contact the CHP, Sherriff or other law enforcement agency in whose jurisdiction the accident occurred. Give the location of the accident, and state that a CCSD vehicle is involved.  The driver shall then also immediately notify his or her supervisor of the accident and the steps taken.
- If death or injury occurs to any party to the accident, or if major property damage occurs, the CCSD vehicle should not be moved until arrival of the law enforcement authorities, regardless of location or traffic conditions.
- If property damage is slight and there is clearly no physical injury to any party involved, the vehicle may be moved out of direct traffic, but should otherwise remain at the location where the accident occurred.
- Driver's license and vehicle license numbers of all drivers and vehicles involved must be written down. The CCSD driver shall exhibit his or her license on request. Avoid engaging in any argument, and do not make any statements regarding the cause of the accident to other drivers or witnesses at the scene of the accident.
- The drivers of all vehicles involved should be requested to remain at the scene until the responding law enforcement agency has completed its investigation.
- If there are any witnesses to the accident, have them provide their name, address, telephone number and any other related contact information.
- Failure to follow the procedures in this Administrative Policy shall be grounds for discipline in accordance with CCSD policies and procedures.