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Anti-Harassment Training

Under SB 778, an employer with five or more employees must provide at least two hours of training and education regarding sexual harassment to all supervisory employees and at least one hour of training to all nonsupervisory employees by January 1, 2021. Thereafter, the training must be given again once every two years. SB 778 also requires the training to be provided within six months of hire or six months of the assumption of a supervisory position. 

Anti-Harassment Training: One-hour Non-supervisory Course

The course is available through Vector Solutions and is one hour long. The course will comply with the requirements of SB 778 and SB 1343 for non-supervisory employees.

Anti-Harassment Training: Two-hour Supervisory Course

The course is available through Vector Solutions and is two hours long. The course will comply with the requirements of SB 778 and SB 1343 for supervisory employees.

To access the Vector Solutions training portal, please click here.


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