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CCSD Summary of Ordinance an Ordinance Adding Chapter 6.05 to the CCSD Municipal Code Relating to Weed Abatement Standards

This Ordinance Summary is published in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 25124.

On March 13, 2025, the Board of Directors of the Cambria Community Services District introduced Ordinance 01-2025, adding Chapter 6.05 to the Cambria Community Services District Municipal Code regarding Weed Abatement Standards.

Cambria Community Services District Summary of Ordinance

Ordinance 01-2025 will add a new Chapter to the District’s Municipal Code to set forth standards for weed abatement to facilitate regulation and control of the growth and accumulation of weeds, grasses, and other combustible vegetation, in order to reduce fire risks and protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. The Ordinance includes definitions of “Weeds,” “Noxious Plants,” and “Hazardous Trees,” and provides standards for property owners to maintain their property in accordance with Chapter 49 of the California Fire Code Section 4906 and 4907, as well as for the abatement of weeds and hazardous trees. Exceptions are also specified in the Ordinance.

The Ordinance also declares that weeds, grass, and combustible vegetation growing or accumulating upon private property within the District, which do, or will when dry, create a fire hazard and which by virtue thereof constitutes a danger to the property and to neighboring property or the health or welfare of residents of the property and the people residing in the vicinity constitutes a public nuisance. The Ordinance includes provisions for enforcement and abatement of properties that constitute a fire hazard and public nuisance pursuant to the District’s Civil Administrative Citation procedures contained in Chapter 1.14 of the District’s Municipal Code. Costs of abatement can be recovered in accordance with Section 1.14.090 and Notices of Lien may also be recorded pursuant to that Section.

The Board of Directors must vote again to adopt the Ordinance. That action is scheduled for Thursday, April 10, 2025, at a regular meeting to begin at 10:00 a.m. Members of the public can submit written comments to the Confidential Administrative Assistant at and view and participate in the meeting as follows:

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In accordance with Government Code Section 25124, a certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance is available for public review and inspection electronically below and at the following location:

Cambria Community Services District                     

2150 Main Street, #1-A                                

Cambria, CA 93428                                                  

Certified Copy - Ordinance 01-2025

For questions, please call the Cambria Community Services District at (805) 927-6223.          

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