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Contracts & Agreements

Updated 3/10/2025
NameDepartmentTypeAnnual Contract AmountNotes
Advantage Technical Services, Inc.WastewaterSST Program $20,000
AGP VideoAdministrationAudio/video hybrid board meetings$43,200$1,800 for up to three hours of meeting time, with an overtime rate of $160, calculated on 15-minute increments, rounded up.
Alpha Electrical ServiceWaterRodeo Grounds Pump Station Backup Power System Replacement Project$136,692.89
American Legion Post No. 432Vets HallUse of Veterans Memorial Building FacilitiesIn accordance with the Agreement,  Amendment No. 5 is for three a three year term and will increase the annual payment from $1 per year to $500 for the first year, $1,000.00 for the second year, and $2,000 for the third and final year.American Legion agrees to contribute to CCSD annually for reimbursement of the POST share of the cost for gas, water, sewer and refuse disposal services.
Badger MeterDistrict-wideBadger Meter Billing Integration - AMI Software and Onsite Set-up$14,180Sole-source acquisition of Badger meter endpoints and software for upgrading District water meters to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meters.
Cannon CorporationWaterDesign and Engineering Services for the San Simeon Water Transmission Main and Effluent Line Replacement Project$600,000The estimated project duration is two years and will cost $585,815, not including construction.
Carmel & NaccashaDistrict-wideLegal Services$162,000
CIO Solutions, LPDistrict-wideInformation Technology (IT) Support$36,840; annual rate increase of 5% ($135.59) on 1/1/2025 Contract expires 6/30/2026.
Civil Design StudioF&RCambria Skatepark Construction Documentation Preparation $10,040 
Cleveland Biological, LLC Protocol-Level Surveys for the California Red-Legged Frog and General Biological Surveys and Monitoring$25,920 
Complete Paperless Solutions (CPS)District-wideLaserfiche Document Management$7,390 
Confluence Engineering Solutions, Inc.WaterWatershed Sanitary SurveyNot to exceed $24,000
CSG ConsultantsFireFire Protection Plan Review ServicesFees for services such as these are subject to Government Code Section 66014 and the Mitigation Fee Act. 
Digital WestDistrict-wideMitel Phones$17,571.12Approximately $1,464.26 monthly.
ElectricraftF&RConstruction$15,000Electrical repairs, F&R offices.
Elijah MerminDistrict-wideGrant Writing ServicesNot to exceed $28,000
FIRMA ConsultantsF&RCommunity Park Master Plan Update$4,930
Fluid Resource ManagementWastewaterConstruction/Maintenance$60,000Wastewater collection and treatment system repair.
Friends of the Fiscalini Ranch PreserveF&RFiscalini Ranch Linking Boardwalk Project $0 
GeoSolutions, Inc.WastewaterConstruction Materials Testing & Special Inspection Services during Construction of the WWTP Upgrade ProjectHourly, Mileage, & Sample Rates Outlined in Agreement for Consultant Services  
Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.AdministrationRecords Retention Policy & Schedule Update$500 annually
G.F. Garcia & SonsWastewaterConstruction$60,000On-call WW collection system repair - Task Orders
Grace Environmental Services, Inc.WaterWater Meter Register Replacement and Advanced Metering Infrastructure Upgrade Project $217,000
Hartzell General Engineering Contractor, Inc.WaterInstall Static Mixer Unit $7,137 
Hartzell General Engineering Contractor, Inc.F&RConstruction of the East Ranch Community Park Public Restroom Installation Project$187,570 
Kevin Merk Associates, LLCWaterEnvironmental Services Proposal for the Water Reclamation Facility ProjectWork includes preparation of permit application packages for Clean Water Act sections 404 and 401, & California Fish & Game code section 1602. They will also support the CCSD team for the subject project with project description refinement with the regulatory agency consultation process.
LexipolFireCambria Fire Department Fire Policy Manual & Daily Training Bulletins with Supplemental Publication Service and Fire Operations Procedures$5,328.55
LinnvestmentsAdministrationAdministrative Office Lease$23,424Board approved a First Amendment to Lease Agreement  on 9/19/2024. The monthly lease is $1,952 per month. Rent increases annually by 3%.
Mid-Coast Geotechnical, Inc.F&RPerformance of Special Inspections during the Preparation of the Building Pad for the Modular Restroom Unit$3,000
Mission Country DisposalDistrict-wideFranchise Agreement for Integrated Solid Waste Management ServicesVarious costsSecond amendment executed on 5/19/2022.
Mission Paving, Inc.WaterAsphalt Repairs$780
MKN & Associates, Inc.WaterEngineering Design and Bid/Construction Phase Services for the replacement of the Stuart Street Tanks$198,978The current contract amount is $185,273. MKN is providing Scope Amendment 2 services on a time and materials basis for a total additional fee of $13,705. The new contract amount is $198,978.
MKN & Associates, Inc.WaterScope Amendment 3 - Stuart Street Tanks Replacement Project$72,481.60
MKN & Associates, Inc.WaterDesign of Contact Time Tanks for Santa Rosa Well #3 Treatment Plant$19,981
Moore Family DorpersWastewater & WRFWWTP & WRF Weed Control$13,500
Moss, Levy & Hartzheim LLPDistrict-wideAudit Services$24,615Fifth amendment to agreement approved on 6/13/2024.
Municipal Resource Group, (MRG) LLCDistrict-wideHuman Resources Coaching & Consulting Services$34,400
MW ArchitectsUtilitiesSkatepark Design Services$4,000 
Office1Administrative, Fire & UtilitiesCopy Machine LeaseVariesAdministration $725 per month; Fire Department $173.71 per month; and, Utilities Department $173.71 per month.
Optimized Investment PartnersDistrict-wideRegistered Investment AdvisorYear 1 Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2024 25 basis points on the first $3M, 10 basis points on all additional balancesProjected earnings of $360,000 annually. Current earnings are $185,000.
Padre Associates, Inc.F&REnvironmental Monitoring for the East Ranch Community Park Restroom Installation Project$39,525 
Paradise Tree ServiceFire2024 Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction ProgramVaries  
Precision HydroWaterConstruction of Permanent Submersible Pump$46,285.33 
Public Restroom CompanyF&REast Ranch Restroom Building Delivery$21,590
R. Baker, Inc.WaterWater System RepairsShall Not Exceed $60,000
Souza Construction, Inc. WaterPine Knolls Manhole Raising $4,257.18
Special District Risk Management Authority (SDRMA)District-wideProperty, Mobile Equipment, General Liability, Auto Liability, Trailer & Workers’ Compensation CoverageVaries
Speeds Oil & Tool ServiceWRFTransportation$15,000Brine hauling from WRF to the disposal facility.
Spohn Ranch, Inc.F&RPreparation of plans and specifications for the Cambria SkateparkPhase 1 (design development) fees will be $5,650. Phase 2 (construction documents) fees will be $19,900.
Stillwater SciencesWRFEnvironmental Consulting for Instream Flow Study in SS Creek for the WRF CDP$103,250, plus $48,000 for an expanded scope of work for the Instream Flow Study
SWCA WaterEnvironmental Consultants$36,865This additional work would provide the Adaptive Management Plan (AMP) update, final project description, EIR addendum, and participation in coordination meetings with the County and Coastal Commission.
Todd GroundwaterWRFEnvironmental Consulting for WRF Modeling, Piezometers & WRF Permit Assistance$115,072
Tough AutomationWaterSan Simeon Well #3 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Installation$34,168.15
Tough AutomationWaterWater Distribution System SCADA Ignition Upgrade Phase 3$79,500
TruePani, Inc.WaterService Line Materials Inventory & Reporting$44,500
Tyler Technologies, Inc.District-wideTyler Software and Related Services$32,742
Tyler Technologies, Inc.District-wideElectronic Payment Service & Utility Access Portal$7,820 (one-time cost)Recurring annual fee of $2,856
Upper Salinas - Las Tablas Resource Conservation District (USLTRCD) F&RImplement a Habitat Restoration Project for the Fiscalini Ranch PreserveSome CCSD staff time will be needed to monitor the project's progress, but there are no other significant fiscal impacts on CCSD. USLTRCD will bear all project costs.
Vital Records ControlDistrict-wideDocument StorageVariesApproximately $650 to $1,000 a month.
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