Advantage Technical Services, Inc. | Wastewater | SST Program | $20,000 | |
AGP Video | Administration | Audio/video hybrid board meetings | $43,200 | $1,800 for up to three hours of meeting time, with an overtime rate of $160, calculated on 15-minute increments, rounded up. |
Alpha Electrical Service | Water | Rodeo Grounds Pump Station Backup Power System Replacement Project | $136,692.89 | |
American Legion Post No. 432 | Vets Hall | Use of Veterans Memorial Building Facilities | In accordance with the Agreement, Amendment No. 5 is for three a three year term and will increase the annual payment from $1 per year to $500 for the first year, $1,000.00 for the second year, and $2,000 for the third and final year. | American Legion agrees to contribute to CCSD annually for reimbursement of the POST share of the cost for gas, water, sewer and refuse disposal services. |
Badger Meter | District-wide | Badger Meter Billing Integration - AMI Software and Onsite Set-up | $14,180 | Sole-source acquisition of Badger meter endpoints and software for upgrading District water meters to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meters. |
Cannon Corporation | Water | Design and Engineering Services for the San Simeon Water Transmission Main and Effluent Line Replacement Project | $600,000 | The estimated project duration is two years and will cost $585,815, not including construction. |
Carmel & Naccasha | District-wide | Legal Services | $162,000 | |
CIO Solutions, LP | District-wide | Information Technology (IT) Support | $36,840; annual rate increase of 5% ($135.59) on 1/1/2025 | Contract expires 6/30/2026. |
Civil Design Studio | F&R | Cambria Skatepark Construction Documentation Preparation | $10,040 | |
Cleveland Biological, LLC | | Protocol-Level Surveys for the California Red-Legged Frog and General Biological Surveys and Monitoring | $25,920 | |
Complete Paperless Solutions (CPS) | District-wide | Laserfiche Document Management | $7,390 | |
Confluence Engineering Solutions, Inc. | Water | Watershed Sanitary Survey | Not to exceed $24,000 | |
CSG Consultants | Fire | Fire Protection Plan Review Services | Fees for services such as these are subject to Government Code Section 66014 and the Mitigation Fee Act. | |
Digital West | District-wide | Mitel Phones | $17,571.12 | Approximately $1,464.26 monthly. |
Electricraft | F&R | Construction | $15,000 | Electrical repairs, F&R offices. |
Elijah Mermin | District-wide | Grant Writing Services | Not to exceed $28,000 | |
FIRMA Consultants | F&R | Community Park Master Plan Update | $4,930 | |
Fluid Resource Management | Wastewater | Construction/Maintenance | $60,000 | Wastewater collection and treatment system repair. |
Friends of the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve | F&R | Fiscalini Ranch Linking Boardwalk Project | $0 | |
GeoSolutions, Inc. | Wastewater | Construction Materials Testing & Special Inspection Services during Construction of the WWTP Upgrade Project | Hourly, Mileage, & Sample Rates Outlined in Agreement for Consultant Services | |
Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. | Administration | Records Retention Policy & Schedule Update | $500 annually | |
G.F. Garcia & Sons | Wastewater | Construction | $60,000 | On-call WW collection system repair - Task Orders |
Grace Environmental Services, Inc. | Water | Water Meter Register Replacement and Advanced Metering Infrastructure Upgrade Project | $217,000 | |
Hartzell General Engineering Contractor, Inc. | Water | Install Static Mixer Unit | $7,137 | |
Hartzell General Engineering Contractor, Inc. | F&R | Construction of the East Ranch Community Park Public Restroom Installation Project | $187,570 | |
Kevin Merk Associates, LLC | Water | Environmental Services Proposal for the Water Reclamation Facility Project | | Work includes preparation of permit application packages for Clean Water Act sections 404 and 401, & California Fish & Game code section 1602. They will also support the CCSD team for the subject project with project description refinement with the regulatory agency consultation process. |
Lexipol | Fire | Cambria Fire Department Fire Policy Manual & Daily Training Bulletins with Supplemental Publication Service and Fire Operations Procedures | $5,328.55 | |
Linnvestments | Administration | Administrative Office Lease | $23,424 | Board approved a First Amendment to Lease Agreement on 9/19/2024. The monthly lease is $1,952 per month. Rent increases annually by 3%. |
Mid-Coast Geotechnical, Inc. | F&R | Performance of Special Inspections during the Preparation of the Building Pad for the Modular Restroom Unit | $3,000 | |
Mission Country Disposal | District-wide | Franchise Agreement for Integrated Solid Waste Management Services | Various costs | Second amendment executed on 5/19/2022. |
Mission Paving, Inc. | Water | Asphalt Repairs | $780 | |
MKN & Associates, Inc. | Water | Engineering Design and Bid/Construction Phase Services for the replacement of the Stuart Street Tanks | $198,978 | The current contract amount is $185,273. MKN is providing Scope Amendment 2 services on a time and materials basis for a total additional fee of $13,705. The new contract amount is $198,978. |
MKN & Associates, Inc. | Water | Scope Amendment 3 - Stuart Street Tanks Replacement Project | $72,481.60 | |
MKN & Associates, Inc. | Water | Design of Contact Time Tanks for Santa Rosa Well #3 Treatment Plant | $19,981 | |
Moore Family Dorpers | Wastewater & WRF | WWTP & WRF Weed Control | $13,500 | |
Moss, Levy & Hartzheim LLP | District-wide | Audit Services | $24,615 | Fifth amendment to agreement approved on 6/13/2024. |
Municipal Resource Group, (MRG) LLC | District-wide | Human Resources Coaching & Consulting Services | $34,400 | |
MW Architects | Utilities | Skatepark Design Services | $4,000 | |
Office1 | Administrative, Fire & Utilities | Copy Machine Lease | Varies | Administration $725 per month; Fire Department $173.71 per month; and, Utilities Department $173.71 per month. |
Optimized Investment Partners | District-wide | Registered Investment Advisor | Year 1 Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2024 25 basis points on the first $3M, 10 basis points on all additional balances | Projected earnings of $360,000 annually. Current earnings are $185,000. |
Padre Associates, Inc. | F&R | Environmental Monitoring for the East Ranch Community Park Restroom Installation Project | $39,525 | |
Paradise Tree Service | Fire | 2024 Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program | Varies | |
Precision Hydro | Water | Construction of Permanent Submersible Pump | $46,285.33 | |
Public Restroom Company | F&R | East Ranch Restroom Building Delivery | $21,590 | |
R. Baker, Inc. | Water | Water System Repairs | Shall Not Exceed $60,000 | |
Souza Construction, Inc. | Water | Pine Knolls Manhole Raising | $4,257.18 | |
Special District Risk Management Authority (SDRMA) | District-wide | Property, Mobile Equipment, General Liability, Auto Liability, Trailer & Workers’ Compensation Coverage | Varies | |
Speeds Oil & Tool Service | WRF | Transportation | $15,000 | Brine hauling from WRF to the disposal facility. |
Spohn Ranch, Inc. | F&R | Preparation of plans and specifications for the Cambria Skatepark | Phase 1 (design development) fees will be $5,650. Phase 2 (construction documents) fees will be $19,900. | |
Stillwater Sciences | WRF | Environmental Consulting for Instream Flow Study in SS Creek for the WRF CDP | $103,250, plus $48,000 for an expanded scope of work for the Instream Flow Study | |
SWCA | Water | Environmental Consultants | $36,865 | This additional work would provide the Adaptive Management Plan (AMP) update, final project description, EIR addendum, and participation in coordination meetings with the County and Coastal Commission. |
Todd Groundwater | WRF | Environmental Consulting for WRF Modeling, Piezometers & WRF Permit Assistance | $115,072 | |
Tough Automation | Water | San Simeon Well #3 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Installation | $34,168.15 | |
Tough Automation | Water | Water Distribution System SCADA Ignition Upgrade Phase 3 | $79,500 | |
TruePani, Inc. | Water | Service Line Materials Inventory & Reporting | $44,500 | |
Tyler Technologies, Inc. | District-wide | Tyler Software and Related Services | $32,742 | |
Tyler Technologies, Inc. | District-wide | Electronic Payment Service & Utility Access Portal | $7,820 (one-time cost) | Recurring annual fee of $2,856 |
Upper Salinas - Las Tablas Resource Conservation District (USLTRCD) | F&R | Implement a Habitat Restoration Project for the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve | Some CCSD staff time will be needed to monitor the project's progress, but there are no other significant fiscal impacts on CCSD. USLTRCD will bear all project costs. | |
Vital Records Control | District-wide | Document Storage | Varies | Approximately $650 to $1,000 a month. |