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Environmental Monitoring for the East Ranch Community Park Restroom Installation Project

Posted – September 20, 2024, Closes - October 4, 2024


The Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) is requesting proposals from qualified environmental firms for environmental monitoring services for the East Ranch Community Park Restroom Building Installation Project (“Project”). The CCSD is requiring that proposals provide complete environmental monitoring services (including biological, archaeological, and Native American cultural resources) before, during, and after the construction activities associated with the Project, as well as the writing and submission of monitoring reports to San Luis Obispo County (SLO County) The Project is located at the Cambria Dog Park, 2021 Rodeo Grounds Drive, Cambria, CA 93428. (APN 013-131-038).

The full request package can be accessed below.

Request for Proposal (RFP)Exhibit B -  Construction Project DescriptionExhibit C - Construction Mitigation MeasuresExhibit D - Construction DrawingsExhibit G - Environmental Monitoring Plan

Existing Conditions

The East Ranch Community Park site consists of an approximately 13-acre area that will eventually become a fully developed community park. The construction site and surrounding area were previously disturbed during grading and leveling activities. The land is currently partially developed as a park with a fenced dog park, a gravel parking lot, and welded steel fencing bordering the parking lot. SLO County has zoned the land as, among other things, Recreation.

Proposed Project

The Project site consists of an approximately 0.5-acre area situated next to the developed dog park and between the dog park and the end of Rodeo Grounds Road. It includes the restroom building pad, the utility trenches, a sidewalk from the parking lot and wrapping around the restroom building, and additional room for maneuvering heavy machinery and temporary stockpiles of excavated dirt and other construction materials. Please see the additional attached documents Exhibit B (Construction Project Description), Exhibit C (Construction Mitigation Measures), Exhibit D (Construction Drawings), and Exhibit G (Environmental Monitoring Plan). The environmental monitoring schedule will be driven by the construction schedule.

Project Detail/Scope of Work

  1. As the CCSD's environmental monitor on the project, provide environmental monitoring, including biological, archaeological, and Native American cultural resource monitoring.
  2. Perform the activities mentioned in Section B subsection 2 (Environmental Monitor) a) Liaison with San Luis Obispo (SLO) County and the construction crew; b) Managing and reporting of field monitoring activities; and c) Hire/utilize additional specialists such as biological , archaeological, and Native American cultural resources monitors.
  3. Provide training for worksite employees as outlined in Section C (Crew Orientation) of the Environmental Monitoring plan.
  4. Perform a pre-construction biological survey of the worksite.
  5. Ensure compliance with the construction mitigation measures (Exhibit C) during and after construction.
  6. Monitor excavation activities for archaeological and Native American cultural resource finds.
  7. Submit the required Environmental Monitoring Reports to SLO County.

The work will be divided into two phases. Phase 1, which includes the main excavation and trenching activities, will occur from mid-to-late October into early November, and Phase 2, which includes the building installation, sidewalk pour, project closeout, and final cleanup, will occur in late January/early February.

Anticipated Schedule

RFP Issued9/20/2024
Deadline for Clarifications/Inquiries10/2/2024
Deadline to Submit Proposals10/4/2024 at 10:00 a.m.
CCSD Selection of Contractor10/4/2024
Contract Negotiations10/4/2024-10/10/2024
Notice to Proceed10/15/2024
Preconstruction Biological SurveyTBD (prior to construction)
Construction Start Date, Phase 110/23/2024
Construction Completion Deadline, Phase 111/19/2024
Construction Start Date, Phase 2*1/28/2025
Construction Completion Deadline, Phase 2*2/28/2025
Final Monitoring Report Due3/31/2025

*Weather Permitting

Requirements for Submission

  • A dated cover letter, signed by a person fully authorized to act on behalf of the proposer, must be submitted with the proposal. The letter must indicate that the proposer agrees to be bound by the proposal without modifications unless mutually agreed upon by the proposer and CCSD.
  • A statement of qualifications must be provided.


Request for Proposal (RFP) Deadline: October 04, 2024, at 10:00 am PST. A complete proposal may be submitted in the following ways:

  1. Email to
  2. United States Postal Service to Cambria Community Services District, P.O. Box 65, Cambria, CA. 93428.
  3. Deliver to CCSD Wastewater Treatment Plant, 5500 Heath Ln, Cambria, CA 93428.

Proposals that do not meet all the standards and requirements will not be considered, nor will any proposals that are received after the deadline.

If you have any questions or need further information and/or clarification on the RFP, please email James Green, Utilities Department Manager, at

Project Location

This view includes the entire site. The entire construction area is yellow, the sidewalk is red, and the restroom building is purple. Heavy machinery will access the site via a space in the fence in the top right corner of the yellow polygon where it touches the parking lot. The construction staging area will be on the gravel parking lot.
2021 Rodeo Grounds Drive, Cambria, CA 93428.
APN: 013-131-038

Aerial map with marked construction zones for restrooms and sidewalks at a park or event space.

Bid Results

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