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Updated 3/17/2025
The District selected Mr. Mermin to provide grant writing services. As a senior grant professional with 19 years of experience for nonprofit organizations and government agencies, he is well-equipped to help CCSD identify and qualify appropriate funding opportunities and work closely with our staff to develop competitive grant applications.
Grant TitleMonth AppliedAwarding AgencyDepartmentGrant Application AmountGrant Application Local Match AmountAdditional Notes
Cambria CSD Fire Apparatus ReplacementMarch 2025California’s 19th Congressional District Community Project FundingFire$1,700,000.00Unknown 
Land & Water Conservation Fund GrantJune 2023 Facilities & Resources$1,200,000.0050/50 matchOn June 1, 2023, General Manager McElhenie submitted the Land and Water Conservation Fund grant application for the Cambria Skatepark Project.  We are happy to announce that the CCSD has been selected as one of the sixteen projects to proceed with post-selection federal requirements to create a new skatepark facility.
CalRecycle SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant ProgramMay 2022Community Project FundingFacilities & Resources$20,558$0CalRecycle awarded CCSD $20,558.
CBID Tourism Infrastructure/Beautification GrantJuly 2023Cambria Business Improvement District (CBID)Facilities & Resources$47,500$0CBID awarded CCSD $47,500.
CBID Tourism Infrastructure/Beautification GrantNovember 2023Cambria/San Simeon Business Improvement District (CBID)Facilities & Resources$4,750$0CBID meeting held on 2/20/2024. The grant application was not approved.
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) - Forest Health Grant Program Grant2023San Luis Obispo County Fire Safe CouncilFacilities & Resources$6.7 Million$0The MOU will be brought forward for CCSD Board consideration on 3/13/2025.
Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program - Adaptation Planning Grant Program Round 2June 2024Integrated Climate Adaptation & Resiliency Program (ICARP)Fire  Unfortunately, on July 15, 2024, the General Manager received a call from ICARP, who complimented the General Manager on how well the application submittal was. Unfortunately, due to the state's budget deficit, they decided not to fund the Round 2 grant.
The Skatepark Project GrantTony Hawk FoundationFacilities & Resources
Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG)January 2023FEMAFire$231,969.005% grant match; $11,599.00Rescue equipment $42,085; training classes $72,000; and, personnel overtime $117,784. Board approved Resolution 05-2023.
OTS Emergency Medical Services GrantJanuary 2023California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS)FireThe grant award is for $42,044.00 for the purchase of a new set of battery-powered jaws-of-life extrication equipment to outfit our second fire engine.$0OTS awarded CCSD $42,043.39.  
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for Emergency Alert SystemApril 2022FEMA/CAL OESFire$281,328.0028,132.80General Fund
Stuart St Tank Replacement EPA GrantMarch 2022EPAWater$375,000$0 


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