The following are the eleven standard paid holidays observed by this District:
New Year’s Day Independence Day Thanksgiving Day
Martin Luther King Day Labor Day Day After Thanksgiving
President’s Day Columbus Day Christmas Day
Memorial Day Veterans Day
In lieu of Lincoln’s Birthday, Admissions Day and the half-day for Christmas Eve/New Year’s Eve, float holiday time shall be provided each employee employed by the District on July 1 of each year, provided the employee was employed continuously for twelve (12) months. Float holiday hours will be accrued on July 1st of each year based on the following chart:
Regular # of hours/day | Total # of Holiday Hrs/Yr. | 11 Std Holiday Hrs/Yr. | July 1st Float Holiday Hours to Accrue |
8 | 110 | 88 | 22 |
9 | 110 | 98 | 12 |
10 | 110 | 110 | 0 |
Per section 22C - regular part-time employees shall receive holiday pay on a pro rata basis:
4 hrs/day | 55 hrs/yr. | 44 std hol hrs. | 11 float hrs. |
A. No employee, except an employee on paid leave, will be eligible for regular holiday pay unless he or she shall have worked the regularly scheduled shift preceding and following the designated holiday.
B. Unless otherwise provided in this Article, when a holiday listed herein falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be deemed to be the holiday in lieu of the day listed, and when a holiday falls on a Saturday the preceding Friday shall be deemed to be the holiday in lieu of the day listed. If the holiday falls on an employee’s Standard Day Off, the employee is to take the holiday on their regular scheduled workday either immediately preceding or following their Standard Day Off.
C. Regular part-time employees shall receive holiday pay on a pro rata basis according to hours worked. This does not apply to temporary employees.
D. The Friday after Thanksgiving is a standard paid holiday and is allotted 8 hours in the chart above. If your SDO (standard day off) is scheduled for that Friday, your SDO stays on that Friday, and you move the holiday to another day (see item B above) – in these instances: fill out a PAF, request an alternate day off, show 8 hours standard holiday pay on the alternate day off, and 1-hour float holiday pay (or other type of paid leave) if you are taking a 9 hour day off.
E. Float Holiday balances as of the first full pay period in June of each year shall automatically be converted to a cash payment to the employee on the last paycheck in June unless State or Federal regulations indicate differently.