New Employee Training
Harassment Prevention: One-hour Non-supervisory Training Course
The Harassment Prevention course is available through TargetSolutions. The course is one-hour long. The course will comply with the requirement of SB 1343 for non-supervisory employees.
You will receive an acknowledgment of completion once you have successfully completed the course. Please note that you need to keep a copy for your records and send a copy to Haley Dodson.
Harassment Prevention: Two-hour Supervisory Training Course
The Harassment Prevention course is available through TargetSolutions. The course is two-hours long. The course will comply with the requirement of SB 12343 and AB 1825 and cover: what constitutes sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace, how to recognize and avoid harassment, what procedures to follow if you witness harassment or are harassed yourself, the potential consequences - including personal liability - of harassment, what constitutes abusive conduct in the workplace in compliance to AB 2053, and orientation, gender identity & gender expression in compliance with SB396.
You will receive an acknowledgment of completion once you have successfully completed the course. Please note that you need to keep a copy for your records and send a copy to Haley Dodson.
California Local Agency Ethics AB 1234 Training Course: Two-hour Training Course
The Ethics AB 1234 course is available through TargetSolutions. The course is two-hours long. The California State Legislature recently passed AB 1234, mandating ethics training every two years for local government officials. This course provides a brief overview of the topics which must be covered under the law, including the laws relating to personal financial gain by public servants, claiming perquisites of office, government transparency, and fair government processes. Specifically covered are the Political Reform Act, the Brown Act, and the Public Records Act, and several other laws that govern the behaviors and practices of public servants. The primary goal of this course is to expose you to California ethics laws and allow you to identify potential conflict-of-interest situations.
You will receive an acknowledgment of completion once you have successfully completed the course. Please note that you need to keep a copy for your records and send a copy to Haley Dodson.
Fleet Program Defensive Driving Strategies: One-hour Training Course
The Fleet Program Defensive Driving Strategies course is available through TargetSolutions. The course is one-hour long. All employees who may drive for district business, whether in district vehicles or their own personal vehicles, receive defensive driver training no less than every three years either via a formal course or online training. Industrial equipment operator training is given in accordance with specific government regulations for each piece of equipment. The topics covered are:
- the principles of defensive driving
- instruction on how to maintain a safety zone perimeter around the vehicle
- effective stopping distances
You will receive an acknowledgment of completion once you have successfully completed the course. Please note that you need to keep a copy for your records and send a copy to Haley Dodson.
To access the TargetSolutions training portal, please visit the link below.