Storm Preparation - Sandbags

As of 1/2/2023 at 7:24pm, sand is no longer available at the Schoolhouse location.
With multiple storm systems moving into California over the next week, Cambria is expected to receive heavy rain. With the heavy rain, comes a risk of localized flooding. Sandbagging locations have been established throughout the community to assist with local water damage prevention and mitigation. To utilize this local resource, remember to bring a shovel and provide your own sandbags.
As always the Cambria CSD Fire Department will be staffed and ready to respond to any water, wind, or electrical hazards that occur due to these weather systems.
Sandbag Locations:
- The Rodeo Grounds/Dog Park (Currently used up- awaiting refill)
- Main Street near Santa Rosa Creek Road at the old schoolhouse
- Lampton Park - corner of Lampton and Windsor