12/14/2024 Letter from the General Manager
Dear Cambrians,
Directors Tom Gray, Harry Farmer and Karen Dean have officially received their Certificate of Election and completed their Oath of Office with Confidential Administrative Assistant Haley Dodson.
We are thrilled to welcome them back to the Board of Directors for another four-year term. We greatly appreciate their continued dedication and service to our community, and we look forward to their leadership in the years ahead.
Tom Gray's Certificate of Election & Oath of OfficeHarry Farmer's Certificate of Election & Oath of OfficeKaren Dean's Certificate of Election & Oath of Office

2025 CCSD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Schedule
The CCSD Board of Directors has adopted its regular meeting schedule for 2025. Meetings will take place on the second Thursday of every month at 10:00 a.m.
Meetings will be held in a hybrid format, allowing for participation via Zoom or in person at 1000 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428.
We encourage the community to attend and stay engaged with the District's initiatives and decisions. Details for joining the meetings will be provided in advance on the CCSD website.
Resolution 36-2024 Establishing the 2025 Regular Board Meeting Schedule2025 CCSD Standing Committee Regular Meeting Schedules
The CCSD Board of Directors adopted the Standing Committee's regular meeting schedules for 2025.
Meetings will be held in a hybrid format, allowing for participation via Zoom or in person at 1000 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428.
We encourage the community to attend and stay engaged with the District's initiatives and decisions. Details for joining the meetings will be provided in advance on the CCSD website.
Resolution 37-2024 Establishing the 2025 Standing Committee Regular Meeting SchedulesNotice is hereby given that the Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) is now accepting applications to fill five (5) seats on the Finance Committee, five (5) seats on the Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Committee, and five (5) seats on the Resources & Infrastructure Committee. Applicants must reside and be registered voters within the CCSD boundaries.
The CCSD Board of Directors will review all applications and appoint Standing Committee members to two-year terms at the Regular Board meeting on January 9, 2025, starting at 10:00 a.m. This meeting will be held in a hybrid format, allowing both in-person and virtual attendance. Public participation and comments on agenda items are welcome in person at the Veterans' Memorial Hall, 1000 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428, via Zoom, or by written comment submitted to the Confidential Administrative Assistant at boardcomment@cambriacsd.org.
To apply, please submit completed applications to:
- CCSD office drop box at 2150 Main Street #1-A, Cambria, CA 93428
- Mail to Cambria Community Services District, Attention: Haley Dodson, PO Box 65, Cambria, CA 93428
- Email to Haley Dodson at hdodson@cambriacsd.org
Applications can be downloaded here.
Administrative & Finance Departments
CCSD Office Closure for the Christmas Holiday
The Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) administrative office will be closed on Wednesday, December 25, 2024, in observance of Christmas Day. For any Water and Wastewater emergency services during this time, please contact our 24-hour main line at (805) 927-6223. The office will reopen on Thursday, December 26, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.
Notice of Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Solid Waste Rate Adjustment
Property Owners and Tenants - Customers:
Notice of Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Solid Waste Rate AdjustmentThis notice is intended to inform you that Cambria Community Services District (“District”) will hold a public hearing regarding rate Adjustments (the “Proposed Rate Adjustment”) proposed by Mission Country Disposal for properties and customers receiving solid waste, recycling, and green waste services within the District. The Proposed Rate Adjustment will be considered by the District Board of Directors (“Board”) at the date, time, and location specified below. Consistent with the requirements of Proposition 218, this notice also provides you with the following information:
- The Date, Time, and Place of the Public Hearing;
- The Reason for the Proposed Rate Adjustment;
- The Effective date of the Proposed Rate Adjustment;
- The Basis for the Proposed Rate Adjustment; and
- The Majority Protest Procedures.
The Public Hearing for the Proposed Rate Adjustment within the District limits will be held on:
Date: January 16, 2025
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: 1000 Main Street Cambria, CA 93428
Or online: https://www.cambriacsd.org/2025-01-16-board-meeting
At the Public Hearing, the Board will consider all public comment in support of and in opposition to the Proposed Rate Adjustment and whether or not a Majority Protest exists pursuant to the California Constitution. If approved, the Proposed 2025 Rate Adjustment would become effective on January 1, 2025 and annual adjustments would be effective each January 1 of 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029.
Reason For and Basis of the Proposed Rate Adjustments
The Proposed Rate Adjustment for 2025 is based on the Garbage Company’s documented cost of providing solid waste services and is a 12.59% increase above current solid waste rates. This cost-based adjustment is necessary for the Garbage Company to continue to provide safe, environmentally sound and reliable solid waste removal, transportation and disposal services to the residents and businesses of the District. The adjustments are requested due to:
- Increases in organics processing costs – Third-party costs for the organic waste post-collection processing facility operated by the company formerly named Hitachi Zosen INOVA, and which are not within the Garbage Company’s control, have doubled since 2022. The change in cost is the result of changes in facility capital and operating costs.
- Increases in landfill disposal costs – Related party costs for landfill waste disposal at Cold Canyon have remained flat since 2016. The 2025 rate adjustment reflects a market adjustment to these costs, from a per ton tipping fee of $41 per ton (in place since 2016) to a per ton tipping fee of $70. The Garbage Company provided market comparison demonstrating the applicability of the $70 per ton market tipping fee.
- Collection costs including labor, vehicles, operating expenses and overhead – These costs are increasing approximately 4.21% in 2025.
- Adjustments necessary for moving to a new methodology for annual rate adjustments that provides for increased rate stability, predictability, fairness, transparency, ease of administration, and cost-effectiveness. These include updated depreciation lifespans for solid waste collection vehicles, removal of a limitation on corporate overhead costs for legal, tax, payroll, human resources, engineering, compliance, IT, training and recruiting programs, and updated profit allowance in-keeping with industry standards.
- Adjustments for new service enhancements, including the ability for residents to exchange a solid waste collection cart once annually at no additional cost, no charge collection for one bulky item twice annually via clean-up weeks.
The Proposed Rate Adjustments for 2025 applicable to residential solid waste customers are shown in the table below.
Garbage Container Size | 2024 | 2025 | Change in Monthly Rate |
32-gallon | $41.52 | $46.75 | $5.23 |
64-gallon | $83.03 | $93.48 | $10.45 |
96-gallon | $124.58 | $140.26 | $15.68 |
In addition, commencing each January 1 of 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029 solid waste rates will be adjusted based on the following:
- Annual change in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Garbage and Trash Collection in the U.S. all city average, with a minimum 2% adjustment and a maximum 5% adjustment. Amounts below the minimum or above the maximum will carry forward to the following year.
- Calculation of a 10% profit allowance starting in 2026 (estimated at additional 0.67% to 0.69% adjustment in 2026).
- Addition of a revenue balancing mechanism starting in 2027, wherein actual revenues from solid waste rates over or under projections carry forward as additions to, or offsets against, the annual CPI adjustment.
- Rate adjustments for January 1, 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029 are not expected to exceed 7%.
The Proposed Rate Adjustments have been independently reviewed for consistency with the City of San Luis Obispo Rate Setting Process and Methodology Manual for Integrated Solid Waste Management dated June 1994 and in accordance with the provisions of the District’s Franchise Agreement with the Garbage Company, as amended, governing solid waste service within the boundaries of the District. The Proposed Rate Adjustments contemplate implementation of a new methodology for annual rate adjustments which is described in New Solid Waste Rate Adjustment Methodology and 2025 Rates report authored by independent reviewer, R3 Consulting Group, Inc. The consultant’s report and the complete set of proposed 2025 solid waste rates is available at the CCSD Administrative office located at 2150 Main Street, 1-A, Cambria, CA 93428.
How Do I Protest the Proposed Rate Adjustment?
Pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIII D of the California Constitution, the following persons may submit a written protest against the Proposed Rate Adjustment to the Confidential Administrative Assistant before the close of the Public Hearing referenced above.
- An owner(s) of property (parcel(s)) receiving solid waste, recycling, and green waste services within the District limits. If the person(s) signing the protest, as an owner, is not shown on the last equalized assessment roll as the owner of the parcel(s) then the protest must contain or be accompanied by written evidence that such person signing the protest is the owner of the parcel(s) receiving services; or
- A tenant(s) whose name appears on Mission Country Disposal’s records as the customer of record for the corresponding parcel receiving solid waste, recycling, and green waste services within the District limits (tenant-customer).
A valid written protest must contain a statement that you protest the Proposed Rate Adjustment, the address or Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) of the parcel or parcels which receive solid waste, recycling, and green waste services, and a signature by either the owner or the tenant-customer of the parcel or parcels. One written protest per parcel shall be counted in calculating a majority protest to the Proposed Rate Adjustment subject to the requirements of Section 6 of Article XIII D of the California Constitution. Written protests will not be accepted by e-mail or by facsimile. Verbal protests will not be counted in determining the existence of a majority protest. To be counted, a protest must be received in writing by the Confidential Administrative Assistant before the close of the Public Hearing referenced above.
Written protests regarding the solid waste rate adjustment may be mailed to:
Cambria Community Services District
Attn: Confidential Administrative Assistant
P.O. Box 65, Cambria CA 93428
Written protests may also be personally delivered to the CCSD Administrative office located at 2150 Main Street, 1-A, Cambria, CA 93428.
If valid written protests are presented by a majority of owners and/or tenants-customers of parcels receiving solid waste, recycling, and green waste services within the District limits, then the District will not adjust the rates for the services. The CCSD serves 4010 parcels.
Additional Information on Mission Country Disposal Solid Waste Rate Adjustment and Proposition 218 Hearing
On November 14, 2024, the Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) Board of Directors received a presentation from R3 Consulting Group, Inc. and MCD regarding a proposed solid waste and recycling collection rate increase for MCD. The Board thoroughly reviewed and discussed the proposal but did not determine MCD’s rate adjustments.
Please take a moment to review Staff Report 4A, which is included in the agenda packet linked below.
November 14, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda PacketRate Setting Process and Methodology Manual for Integrated Solid Waste Management RatesPowerPoint Presentation
Additionally, you can access the meeting recording here.
On November 21, 2024, the CCSD Board of Directors approved the Proposition 218 Notice related to MCD’s rate increase request and scheduled a Proposition 218 hearing for January 16, 2025, at 10:00 a.m.
Please take a moment to review Staff Report 7F, which is included in the agenda packet linked below.
November 21, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda PacketNotice of Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Solid Waste Rate Adjustment
Additionally, you can access the meeting recording here.
The CCSD is responsible only for conducting the Proposition 218 process. CCSD staff posted the Notice of Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Solid Waste Rate Adjustment on the District’s website following the CCSD Board of Directors' approval of the Proposition 218 Notice related to MCD’s rate increase request.
To further support the community, the District chose to keep the franchise fee at 6%, even though we were offered the option of increasing it to 10%. Additionally, customers qualifying for PG&E’s low-income California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program can enroll in CCSD’s Low-Income Wastewater Utility Rate Reduction Program. Upon enrollment, they are also automatically eligible for the trash rate reduction.
If you have any questions or need assistance enrolling in the CCSD’s Low-Income Wastewater Utility Rate Reduction Program, we are here to help. Please feel free to contact us at (805) 927-6223.
Learn more about eligibility for the CARE program and apply here.
Benefits of Retaining Mission Country Disposal (MCD) as Cambria's Waste Management Provider
Keeping Mission Country Disposal (MCD) as Cambria's waste management provider rather than transitioning the service to be managed directly by the Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) has several advantages.
1. Cost Savings and Efficiency
- Specialization: MCD specializes in waste management, leveraging economies of scale, expertise, and established processes that CCSD does not have. Transitioning to in-house management would require significant investment in equipment, personnel, training, and infrastructure.
- Avoiding Capital Investment: Managing waste disposal services would require purchasing trucks, bins, maintenance equipment, and facilities, which would burden the District's budget.
2. Administrative and Operational Burden
- Resource Allocation: CCSD staff and resources are already allocated to water, wastewater collection and treatment, fire protection, and other essential community services. Adding waste management would overload administrative capacity.
- Regulatory Compliance: Waste management involves navigating complex environmental regulations and compliance requirements. MCD already has experience and systems in place to meet these obligations.
3. Financial Risks
- Revenue Uncertainty: Waste management services would not generate sufficient revenue to cover operational costs, leading to budget shortfalls.
- Unforeseen Expenses: Issues such as rising fuel costs, regulatory changes, and equipment failures would result in unexpected expenses for CCSD.
4. Continuity and Stability
- Proven Track Record: MCD has an established system for handling solid waste collection and disposal and recycling efficiently. Transitioning services would disrupt established routines and could lead to public dissatisfaction.
- Avoiding Transition Challenges: A shift to in-house management would involve logistical challenges, such as hiring new staff, implementing new systems, and negotiating contracts with third parties.
5. Partnership Benefits
- Shared Risk: Outsourcing waste management shifts financial and operational risks to MCD, protecting CCSD from liability in areas such as accidents, environmental spills, and legal disputes.
- Flexibility: MCD’s existing infrastructure and personnel allow it to adapt to changing needs, such as population growth or new recycling mandates, without requiring CCSD to bear the associated costs.
6. Environmental Expertise
- Recycling Programs: MCD already implements state-mandated programs for recycling and organics waste diversion (e.g., SB 1383 compliance). CCSD would need to establish these programs from scratch, requiring significant time and expertise.
Unless there is evidence of significant cost savings, service improvements, or community benefits from transitioning waste management to CCSD, it is prudent to continue outsourcing this service, as it allows CCSD to focus on its core functions while benefiting from MCD's expertise and economies of scale.
For more information, please take a moment to review the notice and additional information posted on our website.
CCSD Utility Service Bill
We encourage all Cambria utility billing customers to take a moment to familiarize themselves with their utility bills. Understanding your utility bill is essential for managing your water usage and payments effectively. We encourage all Cambria utility billing customers to take a moment to familiarize themselves with their utility bills. Understanding the layout of your bill will help ensure accuracy, identify key details, and clarify any questions you may have. To assist with this, we’ve provided an example of a typical utility bill below. Below is a guide to help you navigate the key sections of your bill:
1. Account Information
- Account Number: Unique identifier for your account.
- Service Address: Address where services are provided.
- Billing Period: Dates reflecting the cycle for which services are billed.
2. Bill Summary
- Previous Balance: Amount carried forward from your last bill.
- Payments: Payments received during the billing period.
- Adjustments: Any credits or charges applied.
- Current Charges: Charges for the current billing cycle, including base rates and usage fees.
- Amount Due: Total amount payable by the due date.
3. Usage Details
- Meter Readings: Displays current and previous readings.
- Consumption Graph: Compares your current usage to the same period in the previous year.
4. Charges Breakdown
- Water Base/Usage Fees: Charges for water service.
- Sewer Base/Usage Fees: Charges for sewer services.
- WRF Base/Usage Fees: Charges related to Water Reclamation Facility.
CCSD’s water and sewer utilities rely primarily on revenues from service charges to fund the costs of providing service. Therefore, water and sewer rates must be set at levels adequate to fund the costs of operating and maintaining CCSD’s water and sewer systems to support safe and reliable service.
The water and sewer rates implemented by Resolution 14-2024 cover no more than the cost that CCSD incurs to provide water and sewer services as detailed in the Water, WRF, and Sewer Rate analysis prepared by Bartle Wells Associates and last reviewed by the Board on March 17, 2022.
Resolution 14-20245. Payment Options
- Online: cambriacsdca.municipalonlinepayments.com
- By Phone: Call 1-833-792-9627.
- By Mail or In-Person: See the remittance portion of your bill for details.
6. Important Messages
- Messages on your bill may include updates and reminders. Please review them carefully.
The CCSD bills bimonthly. Consumption charges are based on the amount of water delivered through your meter. Water and wastewater usage charges are computed by unit. One unit is equal to approximately 748 gallons.
CCSD Utility Service Bill ExampleOne unit is equal to approximately 748 gallons.
Facilities & Resources Department
Project | Description | Status |
Cambria Skatepark | Design and construction of a new skatepark facility at the old skatepark location on Main St across from the Vets Hall. | The minor use SLO County Planning portion of the permitting process is complete. The National Park Service requested additional project information, which was supplied via an updated Land and Water Conservation Fund(LWCF) A&R Form 10-904 and an updated LWCF Site Boundary map. Staff anticipates receiving funding in January 2025. On 10/30, staff received confirmation that all information required for the application completion was confirmed and that no additional information was needed. |
East Ranch Restroom | Design and construct a restroom facility near the Dog Park on the East Ranch. | The technical drawings for this project have been updated to show the agreed-upon placement of the restroom structure. The building has been rotated 90 degrees so that the entrance faces the future location of the playground. The San Luis Obispo County of Planning & Building has approved these updated plans, and additional fees for reorientation were paid. The CCSD has been in contact with this department and is working to expedite the approval of the updated plans. The CCSD has approved the contract for construction and monitoring during construction. The site preparation will begin in the final weeks of the year, with receipt and installation of the restroom in the first weeks of February. This week, the District's contractor successfully completed the building pad excavation for the East Ranch Restroom. This marks a significant milestone in the project, bringing us one step closer to enhancing the East Ranch. |

Cambria Fire Department
Meet the Fire Chief
The Meet the Fire Chief event originally scheduled for Wednesday, December 18, 2024, has been cancelled. The Fire Chief will be attending the Fire Safe Council Meeting in San Luis Obispo on that date. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
National Firewise USA Program Certificate of Recognition
The National Fire Protection Association acknowledges that Cambria has completed the Firewise USA program's annual requirements for 2024 and is a participating site in good standing throughout the 2025 calendar year. The National Firewise USA Program Certificate of Recognition can be downloaded below.
2025 National Firewise USA Program Certificate of Recognition
Cambria is a Firewise USA Community. This rating effectively means that the Cambria Community and organizations are working together to improve the education of community members while also addressing and reducing the wildfire fuel available during a wildfire. The Firewise USA Community designation is accepted by several insurance companies, either as a fire insurance rate reduction or as a consideration for providing fire insurance rather than a flat denial to offer coverage.
This is a partial list of the insurance companies that recognize and or offer premium discounts for properties located in a Firewise USA Community:
Insurers Currently Offering Discounts
This is a Firewise USA Community information page regarding California legislation that benefits property owners located in a Firewise USA Community:
Water & Wastewater Departments
Project | Description | Status |
Adaptive Management Plan (AMP) | The AMP is a surface water, groundwater, and biological monitoring program designed to detect potential impacts to sensitive biological resources, requiring groundwater modeling and monitoring while the WRF is in operation. | The CCSD’s biologist has submitted the second and third-quarter AMP environmental monitoring reports. The twenty-four-page document encompasses background information for the project location, a methodology for surveying, and recommendations for future operations. The report can be located on the CCSD website. |
San Simeon Water Line & Effluent Line Well Field Transmission Lines | Developing a permanent repair of the San Simeon Water Main. This project will also include resolutions for the Sewer Effluent Main. | The application for an Encroachment Permit was successfully submitted for Caltrans Right of Way. |
Water Meter Replacement Project – AMI | Upgrades system to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) with new meters and real-time water analytics. | Staff has installed 150 endpoints. On November 13th, an RFP was released and circulated for contracting the installation of additional endpoints. Water department staff will continue to install water meters based on staff availability. We request that the public keep the area around their meter box clear of obstructions for three feet in all directions. |
Zero Liquid Discharge Program Project | Pilot study project to test innovative technology for brine reduction with the goal of zero liquid discharge. | The new and updated Wastewater Permit has established future operations for the ZLD pilot or full-time operation. ZLD pilot operations have been postponed until the Fall of 2025. |
Stuart Street Tank Project | Critical water infrastructure project to rebuild the Stuart Street tanks, which have reached their useful operational life. | District staff and consultants presented the updated project in a pre-application meeting with San Luis Obispo County Planning. County Planning confirmed that a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) would be required due to the Project’s expanded scope. The project must be submitted to County Planning for review, followed by a hearing in front of the Planning Commission. Staff is currently waiting for a date to be established for the Project hearing. The Coastal Development Permit (CDP) application was successfully submitted to SLO County Planning on 8/27/2024. We anticipate a 2–3-month review period prior to permit issuance. The CDP application number is P-APP2024-00206. |
The status of District Project Updates can also be found on the CCSD website.
CCSD Board Meetings
December 12, 2024, Special Board Meeting Update
For a more detailed Board meeting transcript, visit our website.
December 12, 2024, Regular Board Meeting Update

For a more detailed Board meeting transcript, visit our website.
The District proudly presented a plaque to former President Gray in recognition of his outstanding dedication to the Board of Directors, the community, and Cambria throughout the 2024 year. We are deeply grateful for his leadership and commitment, which have contributed greatly to the betterment of our district and the community we serve.
- The Board of Directors nominated Debra Scott as President and Michael Thomas as Vice President.
- The Board of Directors adopted Resolution 34-2024 amending the CCSD salary schedule.
- The Board of Directors adopted Resolution 38-2024 authorizing an application for the Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program for training costs.
- The Board of Directors received a Presentation from Upper Salinas - Las Tablas Resource Conservation District regarding a Habitat Restoration Project for the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve.
- The Board of Directors adopted Resolution 35-2024, amending the Board and Standing Committee Bylaws, adopted Resolution 36-2024, establishing the 2025 CCSD Regular Board Meeting schedule, and adopted Resolution 37-2024, establishing the 2025 CCSD Standing Committee meeting schedules.
- The Board of Directors directed staff to advertise for positions on the Standing Committees.
- The Board of Directors received a presentation on the results of the District-Wide Staff Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis and appointed an Ad Hoc Committee.
Upcoming January Board Meeting Items (subject to change):
- Swearing in of new Fire Captain and Reserve Firefighter
- Consideration of the adoption of a Resolution ratifying the MOU between CCSD and SEIU Local 620 and amending the salary schedule
- Consideration of the adoption of a Resolution ratifying the MOU between CCSD and IAFF Local 4635 and amending the salary schedule
- Consideration of approval of the Management and Confidential Employees (MCE) Group Payment & Compensation Plan
- Consideration of the adoption of a Resolution approving updated District Personnel, Policies, Procedures & Rules
- Consideration of the adoption of the Procurement Policies and Procedures Policy 2135
- Consideration to approve the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) List format
- Consideration to update the Grants Policy Number 2170
- Consideration to direct staff and District Counsel to review the Board and Standing Committee Bylaws
- Discussion and consideration to fill vacant seats on the Standing Committees
- Discussion and Consideration of Standing Committee Chair and Liaison Appointments
- Review of the Ad Hoc Committee assignments and status
- Discussion regarding the title and focus of the new Standing Committee
- Discussion and consideration regarding the District's Strategic Plan Workshop
- Discussion and consideration of approval of a Public Works Contract with a vendor for installation of water meter register replacement and Advanced Metering Infrastructure upgrade and authorization for the General Manager to execute the agreement
- Discussion and consideration regarding the Mission Country Disposal Franchise Agreement
- Discussion and consideration regarding CCSD Lighting Policy
- Public Hearing pursuant to Proposition 218 regarding Mission Country Disposal solid waste rate increase request
On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., I will be working out of the Cambria Veterans' Memorial Hall and would love to meet you to hear your thoughts on all things Cambria. We will provide coffee and snacks, and as always, I welcome your feedback and ideas. Please note the meeting will now end at 3:30 p.m. due to a scheduling conflict.
If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me or any of our management team.
Thank you again for your support; I am at your service.
Matthew McElhenie