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Cambria Skate Park 100% Design Project “Skate Cambria”

Request for Proposal (RFP) for Cambria Skate Park 100% Design Project “Skate Cambria” 
August 20, 2024
Request for Proposal (RFP)

The Cambria Community Services District is requesting proposals from qualified professional design firms for the design of a skate park project (hereinafter referred to as “Project”). The intent of the Project is for the firm to provide complete design services (including community outreach, refinement of the existing conceptual design, final design, construction plans, specifications, and engineering cost estimates for the final design) for a 5,500 square foot skate park at 1001 Main Street, to the Cambria Community Service District standards on a portion of an approximately 1.4-acre parcel (Assessor’s Parcel Number [APN] 013-101-072) in the unincorporated community of Cambria in San Luis Obispo County, California.

Existing Conditions

The Project site consists of an approximately 0.5-acre area situated in the southwestern portion of the 1.4-acre parcel located off of Main Street in the unincorporated community of Cambria in San Luis Obispo County, California. The Project parcel is located within the County of San Luis Obispo Commercial Retail (CR) land use designation and is currently developed with an approximately 5,000-square-foot paved area surrounded by a fence on the western and northwestern perimeter and associated disturbed areas. The remaining portions of the parcel are undeveloped.

The Project site consists of relatively flat topography and is bound by Main Street to the southwest and steep slopes to the northeast. The Project site is comprised of developed and disturbed land and has been previously developed with skate park infrastructure and used as a community skate park for approximately 20 years. These features were removed several years ago due to safety concerns, and only a concrete pad remains. While operational, the skate park attracted approximately 20 visitors per week and operated between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and dusk. According to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panel 06079C0528H (effective date 5/16/2017), the majority of the Project site is located in Zone AE, an area with 1 percent annual chance of flood. There are no mapped wetlands or drainages located on the Project site. Surrounding land uses include single-family residences to the north and northeast, the Cambria Public Library to the east, and commercial retail uses to the south and west. The Project site is across the street from the Veterans’ Memorial Building.

Proposed Project

The Project requirements include the design of skating elements for a 5,500-square-foot skate park, which will be contained within the larger park. (See Figure 4 on page 5.) The skate park design should include architectural skate park features, including ramps, rails, ledges, bowls, flat concrete, and other features. See the preliminary design in attached figures 2, 3, and 4. All Project features should be designed in accordance with the most recent California Building Code (CBC), San Luis Obispo County Building and Construction Requirements, Fire Safety Standards (CZLUO Section 23.05.086), and Flood Hazard Standards (CZLUO Sections 23.07.064 and 23.07.066).

Project Detail/Scope of Work

Submit 100% designs for a 5,500-square-foot skate park based on an existing conceptual design. Designers will participate in and receive feedback in two design development meetings. Designers will incorporate feedback from the design development meetings into the final design.
Provide final deliverables:

  • Detailed design drawings and graphics for skate park space and features, including:
    • Architectural Drawings
    • 3D Renderings
    • 2D Renderings
    • Labeled & Scaled 2D Site Plans (PDF)
  • Construction documents for final 100% design
  • Specifications for features and any equipment to be installed
  • Engineering cost estimates for construction/installation at prevailing wage rates
    • Construction Cost Estimates (PDF)
Requirements for Submission
  • A dated cover letter, signed by a person fully authorized to act on behalf of the proposer, must be submitted with the proposal. The letter must indicate that the proposer agrees to be bound by the proposal without modifications unless mutually agreed upon by the proposer and CCSD.
  • A statement of qualifications and a list of five (5) references must be provided.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Deadline
September 3, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. PST

A complete Proposal may be submitted in the following ways:

  1. Email to
  2. United States Postal Service to Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) P.O. Box 65, Cambria, CA. 93428.
  3. Deliver to CCSD, 1316 Tamsen Street, Suite 201, Cambria, CA 93428.Submit Request for Proposal (RFP)

Proposals that do not meet all the standards and requirements will not be considered, nor will any proposals that are received after the deadline.

Any questions, requests for further information and/or clarification of the Request for Proposal (RFP) can be sent to James Green, Utilities Department Manager at

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